Education in Minnesota, while commendable in many areas, requires an overhaul to better serve students and ensure academic excellence. Empowering parents with more choice through school vouchers and charter schools will foster competition and drive improvements across all educational institutions. Reducing bureaucratic overhead and returning decision-making power to local school boards will ensure that education policies are tailored to the unique needs of each community. Emphasizing core subjects like math, science, and reading, along with civics education, will better prepare students for the workforce and responsible citizenship. Additionally, supporting and rewarding teachers based on performance rather than tenure will incentivize high-quality instruction. By promoting school choice, local control, and a focus on essential academic skills, Minnesota can significantly enhance its education system.


Law and order in Minnesota are foundational to maintaining a safe and prosperous society, yet recent increases in crime rates highlight the need for a new approach to public safety. Strengthening support for law enforcement is paramount, ensuring that police officers have the resources, training, and respect needed to perform their duties effectively. This includes reversing harmful policies that undermine police authority and morale, and instead promoting legislation that supports rigorous law enforcement and swift justice for offenders. Additionally, reinstating mandatory minimum sentences for violent crimes and reducing leniency in plea bargains will act as a strong deterrent against criminal activities. By fostering a culture of respect for the rule of law and backing our law enforcement agencies, Minnesota can restore order and enhance the safety of its communities.


Health care in Minnesota, while generally strong, faces challenges that require solutions to ensure efficiency, affordability, and accessibility. A market-based approach is essential to drive competition and lower costs. This can be achieved by reducing regulatory burdens on healthcare providers and encouraging the growth of private health insurance options. Implementing tort reform will decrease frivolous lawsuits, lowering malpractice insurance premiums and overall healthcare costs. Expanding health savings accounts (HSAs) will empower individuals to take control of their health expenditures and make informed decisions. Additionally, increasing price transparency will enable consumers to compare services and choose the best value for their money. By fostering a competitive and transparent healthcare market, Minnesota can improve quality of care while maintaining fiscal responsibility.

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